
End-to-end solutions

Kinetiq works to achieve maximum time and cost efficiencies. 

With diverse industry knowledge and experience from both sides of a project, we have a unique ability to understand your project needs on a deeper level. It also means we’re able to provide the full scope of work upfront, including all costs and timeline estimates. 

Get the project support you need 

We can support your project through electrical contracting or bespoke solutions, specifically developed for you. 

Specialty electrical contracting

As a specialty electrical contractor, Kinetiq has personnel with comprehensive capabilities in installation and maintenance. We can support your operation with the following onsite labour services: 
  • General electrical maintenance and installation, including preventative maintenance and system setup. 
  • Comprehensive project management. 
  • Electrical and maintenance, auditing, and review. 
  • Instrumentation selection, installation, and optimisation. 
  • Communications and telemetry.
  • Statutory electrical testing. 
  • Testing, commissioning and handover. 
  • Supplementary labour contracts. 

Complete bespoke solutions

Our teams work with you to recommend and develop innovative technological electrical engineering systems. These systems are strategically created to suit the specific needs of your site, project, people, and operational goals. 

However you choose to engage Kinetiq Solutions, you can expect a streamlined design, supply, install, and commission process, that is overseen by complete project management services which enable largescale efficiencies from start to finish.

Reach your goals with Kinetiq

If we can see a better way to do something, we’ll recommend it. If the best piece of equipment to do the job doesn’t exist, we’ll build it. Get in touch to discuss our solutions further, and see how we can help you reach your goals. 
Contact Kinetiq
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